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Newmills Primary School, Dungannon

Leavers' Assembly and Prize Night

24th Jun 2019

The hall was full to capacity on Thursday evening, with parents and friends to say a fond farewell to our P7s and wish them every success in their new schools. Our Pipers and Drummers began our evening with a selection of Ulster Scots music assisted by tutors Mr Hamilton and Mr Ferguson followed by our P4/P5 Band conducted by EA music tutors, Mr Monteith and Mr Moore. The musical items were fantastic and all our pupils were able to showcase their talent. P1,P2 and P3 then sang a very lively song, "Lovely Summer Day" accompanied by lots of actions. After that, P6 and P7 entertained with a sketch, encouraging everyone to look forward to the future in a positive manner. Our senior choir sang "The Only Way Is Up!" using colourful balloons for visual effect. In keeping with tradition, P4/P5 pupils sang the praises of our P7 Leavers in a poem. Mr G Rainey kindly distributed the prizes and the "Leavers' Song" concluded our evening.